How exciting-hubby had promised me that we would play catch up on a couple of films this weekend. However in addition to our plan for the weekend,
"God Grew Tired us us" http://www.godgrewtiredofus.com/- also screened earlier during the week. What an awesome documentary. This is a story about how three of the many thousands of the young African boys survived 10 years of wandering in the wilderness of Sudan. During this period, these children survived famine,disease,civil war,bandits and even lions. This documentary film shares the story of three of these young Sudanese men as they fly to their new in the United States- Pittsburgh is one of these locations.
What a story and a must see documentary film. Kudos goes to our film contact in assisting us to become one of the sponsors for this wonderful and educational documentary screening. Soul Pitt viewers are in-stored for an additional first hand interview regarding this film by one of our author/interviewers, Bonita Penn. Bonita is scheduled to conduct an interview with one or more of the survivors,
Panther Bior and Daniel Abul Pach, who presently live in Pittsburgh. There may also be a possibility for interviews with others key individuals who were instrumental in this excellent and inspirational work.

One film that was not on the top of my list was
Stomp the Yard www.sonypictures.com/movies/stomptheyard/...Was I ever wrong! This film started out dark and typical, but within (10) minutes into the film has a surprising and refreshing twist! Without sharing to many details, this was a very entertaining college life film about a young brotha who in the eyes of most, should not even in in college. However as the story develops, this young college freshman student encounters a few negative experience and most importantly more positive experiences that changes his attitude and inspires him to change his attitude about himself, his college experience and his future. The storyline was actually well written and drew you into the emotions of several characters with surprisingly a few unexpected turns and twist- I loved it! The "Step" frat competition and practicing moves leading up to the Nationals was awesome. You do not have to be a former dancer or Stepper to appreciate the tight moves. Personally, I found this film to be an inspiration to all young and old alike on what hard work and determination will provide success!

Out of the three films seen this week,
"The King of Scotland" www.foxsearchlight.com/lastkingofscotland - was my favorite and truly the most awesome film I've seen in a while. Educational, emotional, amusing, believable, suspenseful and thought provoking are only a few of the adjectives I would use in describing this film.
Forest Whitaker is Idi Amin - a true Oscar nomination performance! Now I have always admired Whitaker's work, quiet strengh persona and creative genius. But trust me,
Whitaker will expose you to another level of acting excellence. Everyone will come out thinking a little different about the world we live in and even about the dynamics of our political involvement of even today. Please go see this film...I simply do not believe that it took Whitaker winning a Globe Award, SAG Award and a Oscar nomination before I paid attention to it. However, I am so thankful and delighted that we did see it and you will too after going to see it! Enjoy...Corporate Planners
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